[The Effects of Routine] Small daily habits can make a big difference to you!

can grow

Hi, this is Positive Institute @ Bear!

Would you like to make your everyday life more enjoyable and fulfilling?

Today, I will share with you the secret of how small daily habits can lead to great growth.

Recommended for
  • People who are interested in self-improvement but don’t know where to start.
  • People who want to spend their days more meaningfully.
  • People who want to believe in the power of small habits but have doubts.

The “routine” of doing the same thing every day plays a very important role.

Routine means repeating a certain action every day.

For example, it can be as simple as opening the window in the morning to get some fresh air, listening to your favorite music before starting work, or remembering three good things that happened today before going to bed at night.

Keeping a routine can help calm your mind and help you focus on your work or studies.

Also, doing the same thing every day may give you the courage to try something new.

Routines can also lead to a series of small successes.

By continuing to do so every day, we can experience a sense of accomplishment that says, “I did it!” I can feel a sense of accomplishment.

This will give you confidence and the strength to take on even greater goals.

The key to creating a routine is to choose something that is easy for you to continue.

The important thing is to continue to enjoy the process without overdoing it.

For example, start with something small, such as “reading a book for just 10 minutes every day” or “stretching every morning.

These actions will make your days more enjoyable and more fulfilling.

By keeping up with the routine, you will enjoy your days more, and your mind and body will be healthier.

It has such a wonderful effect.

So, find a small routine that works for you and try it out today.


There is a scientific method to developing habits, not just willpower.

Habits are engraved in our brains by repeating the same behavior day after day.

For example, if a person has a habit of reading a book every night before bed, he or she will naturally pick up a book when that time comes.

This is because the brain is programmed to “automatically” perform that behavior.

Scientific studies show that it takes, on average, about two months to develop a new habit.

However, this varies from person to person and depends on the type of behavior that makes it a habit.

Easy actions may become habitual in a shorter period of time, while difficult actions may take longer.

The secret to developing a habit is to repeat the rewarding behavior.

For example, if you want to make exercise a habit, setting small rewards, such as being able to drink your favorite protein after exercise, will help your brain remember the behavior as a positive one and make it easier to repeat.

In this way, actions that were initially performed consciously gradually become “second nature” and can be performed naturally.

Developing a habit may seem difficult, but it is important to start with small steps and keep at it.

Try to introduce new behaviors, even if only a little each day.

And persevering until the behavior becomes second nature is the key to developing the habit.


Continuation may sometimes feel difficult.

When you are just starting out, you are full of fresh enthusiasm, but as time goes by, that enthusiasm can slowly fade away.

It is even more difficult to continue the effort, especially if what you have started does not lead to immediate results.

However, the value of continuity is immeasurable.

For example, if you work on something new every day, even a little bit at a time, the accumulation of these efforts will lead to great results.

For example, spending a little time each day learning a new language can make a big difference a year later.

Daily exercise can also have a significant impact on health.

Thus, with continuity, the changes start out small, but over time their effects grow.

Many great people have spoken of the beauty of continuity.

For example, Walt Disney said, “The secret to making dreams come true is curiosity, confidence, courage, and continuity.

Kazuo Inamori, founder of Kyocera Corporation, also said, “Continuation is power, and nothing succeeds unless you persist, stick with it, and try again and again.

These words also convey the importance of continuity.

In fact, the impact of continuing to do so is evident in the numbers.

For example, doing a little something every day can make a difference of about 1,500 times in a year’s time.

This shows that small daily efforts can lead to big results over time.

Continuity is sometimes a challenge and requires hard work.

But beyond that, personal growth and the realization of your dreams await you.

That is why it is important to keep working on something, even if it is just a little bit every day.

By continuing, you may find yourself achieving results you never thought possible.


Incorporating routines that promote growth is very important to improve yourself.

Here are some examples of routines that can be easily incorporated into your daily life.

These routines help to improve the quality of work, study, and daily life.

Start with a “morning routine” to make the most of your morning time.

Morning is an important time to start the day.

Immediately after waking up, drinking a glass of water to wake up the body and doing some simple stretching or light exercise can help keep the body and mind active.

Then, writing down your goals for the day will help you clarify and focus on what you want to accomplish throughout the day.

Next is the “preparation routine” before starting work or study.

Use this time to make a list of tasks to be tackled that day and to prepare necessary materials, so that you can reduce hesitation and work more efficiently as you begin your tasks.

It is also important to calm the mind and improve concentration through short meditations and deep breathing exercises.

Before a presentation or meeting, establish a “pre-presentation routine”.

Final check of presentation materials and simulation of the presentation flow in your mind will help you to be confident in your presentation.

In addition, visualizing the success of your presentation will help you to go into your presentation with a positive frame of mind.

If you feel nervous, perform a “relaxation routine”.

Deep breathing, short meditations, and listening to favorite music can help calm the mind.

In addition, chanting positive words can increase self-esteem and ease tension.

These routines are effective when continued.

It is important to start with small changes and gradually find a routine that works for you and becomes a habit.

Every day’s small accumulation will eventually lead to great growth.


Small daily habits lead to your great growth.

It is not a “what’s the point?” It is not a thing.

Pick one thing you can do today and give it a try.

Keep moving forward with courage! Never look down, but keep moving forward!
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