[Kikirara Quotes] A collection of 22 quotes that will touch your heart! A little hope colors the future.

Be positive

Hello! This is Mr. Bear. How are you?

Do you love Kiki and Lala?

In this issue, we have collected KIRARARA quotes that will warm your heart.

Recommended for!
  • For those of you who love Kiki & Lara
  • You want to grow big dreams with small daily successes.
  • For those who want to add a happy spice to their daily life

Like a small seed blooming into a big flower…
I would like to carefully nurture our dreams and hopes…

Kiki & Lara

This quote tells us that small efforts and actions will eventually produce big results.

It conveys, in lovely language, how important it is to accumulate daily.

We invite you to experience the beauty of dreaming and moving forward step by step to make it a reality!

Are you able to act on your dreams every day?


When we move forward with hope in our hearts, the world quietly opens up like a bud blossoming.

Kiki & Lara

The beauty of moving forward with hope is compared to the moment a flower opens.

There is a lot of anxiety in taking the unknown path, but remember that each step you take creates new possibilities.

Step out into a new world with hope in your heart!


Put on your favorite clothes and let’s go out in high spirits☆.

Kiki & Lara

This quote tells us how much positivity wearing your favorite clothes can bring.

This is a small thing, but it is a great source of energy.

Why not wear your favorite item tomorrow and get active for the day?


Memories of fun and troubles you had when you hit a wall will give you the courage to fly toward the future☆.

Kiki & Lara

When you face difficulties, the experience of overcoming them will give you great strength.

The experience gained in the midst of challenges will give you the courage to take the next step forward.

Together with happy memories, let us overcome difficult times!


I found myself putting on a friendly face, trying to make you smile.

Kiki & Lara

The beautiful message is that making others smile actually illuminates ourselves as well.

Learn from these words that kindness to others can also be kindness to yourself.

Are you trying to make your loved ones smile?


Because we have a relationship where feelings can be conveyed without words, I would like to convey important things in words☆.

Kiki & Lara

This quote teaches us the importance of communicating firmly and sincerely in words, even in deep relationships.

Because of the relationship of trust, clearly communicate what is important and use this as an opportunity to deepen the other party’s understanding.

Are you able to say “thank you” to your loved ones?


I want to be able to take care of both myself and everyone else.

Kiki & Lara

It emphasizes the importance of valuing oneself and others equally.

Maintaining a balance between respect for self and others and harmony with one’s surroundings is the key to building rich relationships.

Are you not only putting others first, but also taking care of yourself?


Like connecting the dots and drawing constellations, your hard work and efforts will surely take shape and shine… ☆.

Kiki & Lara

The message is that even small efforts that seem unconnected at first glance, over a long period of time, will be connected and become beautiful results.

Keep your efforts positive, believing that your daily efforts will eventually return to you with a great radiance.

Are you able to make a small effort every day?


It’s important to accumulate the simple things we do every day☆.

Kiki & Lara

It emphasizes the idea that small actions and choices we make in our daily lives have a big impact.

Remember that the small daily steps you take will ultimately be an important factor in shaping your life.

Are you able to accumulate tips and tricks?


There are days when you feel down.
When that happens, the gentle light of the moon cheers me up…

Kiki & Lara

Not all days are bright.

Sometimes, there are days when I feel down, but the beauty of nature and the little happiness around me can cheer me back up.

In difficult times, look at the small beauties around you.

Do you have a way to calm your mind?


I think a smile has a magical power to warm the hearts of those around you.

Kiki & Lara

This quote shows that a smile has a positive effect on those around you.

Remember that your smile has the power to soften the atmosphere around you and make people happy.

Are you putting on a smile?


Looking at the surface of the water with a peaceful heart, I feel like my mind is becoming clearer and clearer… ☆☆☆☆.

Kiki & Lara

It depicts how facing nature restores peace of mind.

Just look at the quiet surface of the water and feel a moment of calm and release from daily stress and worries.


I think that by respecting the other person and making a step toward each other, compassion can be born.

Kiki & Lara

It teaches the importance of mutual respect through dialogue and understanding.

True compassion is fostered when we approach each other one step at a time, even when we have different opinions and positions.

Are you respectful and approachable to others?


You might find something wonderful if you keep trying, even if it’s just a small thing.

Kiki & Lara

It emphasizes the value of continuing any activity, no matter how small.

A small daily effort may produce unexpected and wonderful results.

Start something new, and in the process, take a look at yourself!


I felt happy when I realized that every ordinary day I spend with you is a special treasure.
Thank you for everything☆.

Kiki & Lara

These words tell us how precious the time we spend with our loved ones with whom we spend our days is.

The ordinary, everyday life is actually the most important “treasure,” and by appreciating each moment of it, we can feel true happiness.

Are you able to appreciate the everyday things you take for granted?


When I carefully looked at the ordinary days of my life, I found a lot of happiness and gratitude.

Kiki & Lara

This quote teaches us the importance of looking at the ordinary, everyday life and perceiving the many happinesses hidden in it.

Even in the midst of our busy lives, stop for a moment and feel how much richer our lives can be if we embrace gratitude for the little blessings around us.

Are you able to appreciate the ordinary things in your daily life?


It takes a lot of courage to take the first step, but I’m sure that your straight and kind heart will be conveyed to the other person… ☆.

Kiki & Lara

The message is that it takes courage to take a new step, but acting with sincerity will have a positive impact on others.

Trust the kindness that comes from your heart and take a positive step forward!


Happiness is not something I seek from someone else, but it must be in my heart.

Kiki & Lara

It represents the idea that true happiness is not something you get from the outside, but exists within yourself.

Knowing yourself and finding inner peace are the keys to true happiness.

Are you able to find your own happiness?


Just having you around with a smile on your face makes me feel a little bit more positive.

Kiki & Lara

It emphasizes the positive impact of a smile.

A smile gives us the courage to move forward, even in difficult times.

Are you able to laugh through the hard times?


Sometimes I compare myself with others and feel insecure, but I try to believe that only I can decide my happiness and the direction I want to go.

Kiki & Lara

He explains the importance of moving forward in life based on one’s sense of self-worth, eliminating the anxiety caused by comparing oneself to others.

Listen to your own inner voice and have the courage to live your own life.

Are you being honest with yourself?


I would rather count the joys that are near me than the things that are lacking.
If we do that, I am sure our days will be filled with happiness.

Kiki & Lara

This quote teaches us the importance of focusing on the small joys and happiness that are right in front of us, which we often overlook in our daily lives.

Instead of focusing on material lack, by looking again at what we can be grateful for right now, we can feel richer in spirit and spend our days happier.

What do you have?


You’re perfect and cool, but I like you best when you’re smiling.

Kiki & Lara

While the “perfect” appearance and accomplishments that everyone pursues are great, this quote shows that humanity and natural expressions are much more appealing.

A smile expresses true beauty and has a pleasant effect on others.

Rather than seeking perfection, try to be natural!

Are you able to be who you are?


The KIRARARA quotes presented here all bring a little hope and courage to your daily life.

Keep these words in mind and live each day with a positive attitude.

Keep moving forward with courage! Never look down, but keep moving forward!
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